Category Archive: Residency

Spotlight Interview: How to Match in Anesthesiology (Pittsburgh Resident)


An Anesthesia Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with an anesthesia resident from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania.

Part of an interview series entitled, "Specialty Spotlights", which asks medical students' most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the Anesthesiology match?

The anesthesia match is moderately difficult.  However, the answer to this question really depends on how you look on paper and in person. Our match is not as difficult as plastic surgery, but there are always a few people in the country who do not match. You should speak with one of the deans of your medical school if you have concerns.


  • What are residencies looking for in an Anesthesiology applicant?

The most important factors initially are a student's performance in anesthesia rotations and letters of recommendation.  Board scores do matter, but need not be sky high.  Mostly, anesthesiologists are laid back and are looking for someone they can work easily with.  You also need to show initiative and be able to make decisions quickly and respond to crises effectively. I am not sure exactly how one portrays these qualities, but the interview certainly can help.  Have answers in your mind to questions that you will almost certainly get asked (examples: Why have you chosen anesthesia?,Can you tell me an example in your life of problem solving?, Where do you think the specialty is going in next 10-25 years?, etc.).


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

I did not have much exposure to FREIDA. I would recommend researching program statistics on FREIDA prior to applying, you will learn some interesting things about programs and may even choose not to apply to one and to apply to a different program.  Also, the ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) annual meeting is in October (right before interview season) and there are a number of medical student specific programs that include an opportunity to meet and talk with many program directors (this event occurs on the weekend portion of the meeting).  I would try to attend if it is at all financially possible to do so.


  • What should students be looking for in an Anesthesia residency program?

Use FREIDA and your other tools to determine what size program you want to be part of. Large and small programs each have their positives and negatives. Look for residencies that fit into the program size and 'level of prestige' that fits what you're looking for in the work/life balance and where you want to go with your future career.  You will also find that more prestigious schools at big research universities also have positives and negatives.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to Anesthesiology residency?

Start early and get everything submitted ASAP, most programs filter through the applicant pool once and then fill all interview spots. Furthermore, spots fill quickly, so have your email forwarded to your phone/pager and don't be afraid to excuse yourself from your rotation to set up an interview; 4 hours later may be too late.  It is not uncommon for programs to send out more invites than they have interview spots.


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


Reflections of a Graduating Intern

Today is the first day of my PGY2 year. I am writing this at midnight, just as the final hours of my life as an intern have evaporated. My main emotion, which I am sure is not unique to me alone, is a feeling of relief. However, as I reflect on the actual experiences that I have had over the past 12 months, I am mesmerized by how freaking cool my job is. The internship, no matter your specialty, is one of the most demanding professional experiences in the entire world. Yet, it is also one of the most rewarding experiences that can be found in any profession.  I would like to reflect on a few of the overriding feelings I have had over the past week.

Dear medical students and new interns:

Your job rocks

You change lives every day Every Single Day. You will know the basic treatment of nearly every single patient that could walk through a hospital door. You are a DOCTOR!  You are not an orthopod, an ophthalmologist, a dermatologist, or an internist [yet]…you are simple a well-rounded DOCTOR! You get to be part of some of the most important situations and conversations that your patients will ever experience. You will provide live saving service to hundreds of the coolest people you will ever meet. It is hard to grasp the reality of your job as a student or a resident. But take a small step back and think about it.

Do not allow yourself to be jaded

You are an intern, these things are a given: awful work hours, negativity from your colleagues, difficult patients, even more difficult families, intolerable work load, mistakes. These issues are inevitable and to allow them to bring you down is a sign of weakness. Recognize that no matter what you do, where you do it, or who you do it with, you will encounter each of these things. Rise Above! Don’t forget #1 above: you actually have a great job.  [Note: I am not a rockstar. I was frequently jaded, I was occasionally the negative colleague, and I did not always have the best bedside manner. But I can tell you, when I decided to get over that stuff, my job was great and patient care improved]

Work hard in medical school

Work hard, not for yourself, not for the grade, not for the board score or to check off another box on your CV. Work your tail off for your future patients. Remember, you came to medical school for them, not for yourself. If you were doing this for yourself you would be getting an MBA and working on Wall Street. As you sit there studying biochem, embryology, PreTest for the Pediatric Shelf Exam, and First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 you will not realize what is actually happening. You are acquiring information that at some point in the near future will be lifesaving to another person. DO NOT take your studying lightly. As I learned in my first days as an intern, your knowledge WILL be relied on very soon to save someone’s life. Let me provide you with just a few examples over the past 12 months to drive this point home. I recount these stories not to boast, as I am sure every intern in my class would have done exactly the same; I share them only to reiterate that you can NOT take your studying lightly.

NOTE: Stories have been altered to mask any identifiers but are otherwise true.

Exhibit A:  Early in my internship I was called to the emergency department to admit an older woman who was complaining of right hand weakness. She was unable to open and close one hand at all and the other was not much stronger. She said she had a vaccination about 4 weeks earlier.  Walking had become more difficult and she felt like her shoulders were now weak.  My ears began to perk up, the words and phrases from my countless hours of studying flashed in my head, as they will in yours. She then said, “you know, I am having some trouble swallowing right now.” BINGO! At this point a light must go off in your head. [GBS! GBS!]. Her weakness is above the neck and she has minutes to hours before her respiratory muscles will fail.  I immediately called my senior resident (something you should always feel comfortable doing, especially early on). We intubated her within minutes and she made a slow but great recovery.  I was the only one there. I was one month out of med school. DON’T TAKE STUDYING LIGHTLY.

Exhibit B: Towards the end of internship I was in the basement of a friend’s house when a three year old boy who I know very well was playing with a marble and inhaled it. He made the universal sign with his hands up to his neck. He coughed twice, and then stopped coughing and breathing all together. I immediately grabbed the boy, flipped him upside down and gave him a whack on his back (ACLS/BLS Protocol). After the first whack there was no change, only the same choking boy. I then gave him a second and viscous whack. A large marble erupted out of his trachea and onto the basement floor.  I am sure the toy was completely blocking off his airway because he had stopped making any noise at all.  DON’T TAKE YOUR TRAINING LIGHTLY (BLS/ACLS ESPECIALLY)

Exhibit C: Early in the year I was speaking with a patient when the nurse next door screamed for help. I walked in the room and the nurse pointed to the patient (not my patient) who was staring blankly into space. She said that the patient was conversing normally minutes ago and had been recovering well from a small GI bleed.  All of the sudden the patient turned towards me, opened her eyes wide, and then spewed out nearly a liter of blood from her mouth.  Any clot overlying her bleed was now obviously gone and she was acutely loosing incredible amounts of blood via hematemesis.  If you are not yet aware, such an episode is can lead to death within minutes. I was the only doctor on the floor. My reading, rounding, and studying of GI bleed was the only thing available.  DON’T TAKE STUDYING LIGHTLY.

Call your resident

It is not weakness. If you have a question, call. If you ever think about calling your resident, call.  In the grand scheme of things, is it better to be irritating or to harm a patient for fear of being irritating?


You knew this was going to be hard. You knew you would work more than everyone in your family and all of your friends. You knew you would have little free time. You knew there would be crummy nurses and egomaniac residents and attendings. Don’t act surprised. Don't be weak and let these things change you. These things exist in every profession. The difference is, you get to have a profound and positive impact on your patients that could change their lives forever.  And you get to do this EVERY SINGLE DAY!

You will make mistakes.

Get over it. Don't flatter yourself: you, just like every other intern that has ever lived, will make mistakes. Learn from them and teach students and other residents about them so that they never happen again.

Choose to be happy

Yes, it is a choice. Find a time to stop and reflect on what you are actually doing. You will certainly be overburdened by progress notes, H&Ps, nursing calls, terrible call nights, and trying to keep the rest of your life from disappearing.  Set aside a time where you can think about the great experiences you are having and the hundreds of lives that you are improving. If you find a way to smile and be happy, you will not only love your job, you will also become a world class physician and your patients will love you.  Attitude is everything.

You Job Rocks!

No, really, I am serious. It rocks.

Spotlight Interview: How to Match in Anesthesiology (Emory Resident)


An Anesthesia Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with an anesthesia resident from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the Anesthesiology match?

Comfortably in between family practice and plastic surgery.  Overall, it would probably be considered medium competitiveness.  Interestingly, the competitiveness of anesthesia has varied quite a bit over the years (higher board scores, lower match rate, etc). The numbers seem to be about average right now though.


  •  What must a student do to match well in Anesthesia?

You need to find great references from anesthesiologists.  This can be accomplished in the standard ways but most importantly is to demonstrate interest by performing well in an anesthesiology rotation.


  • What are residencies looking for in an Anesthesiology applicant?

Residencies are most interested in a well-rounded medical student that can think well on his/her feet.  The same positives from other professional arenas apply to anesthesia – personality, humility, empathy, etcs.


  • What should students look for in an Anesthesia residency?

There are a few things you need to be aware of. First, you need to know the number of cases completed by residents at each of your interviews. You need to be ready to hit the ground running, so # of cases and variety is important. You will be able to learn about the satisfaction of current residents while on your interviews. You should also consider georgraphic fit with family, and your career goals in general (academics vs. private among other questions). Ask where past residents have ended up – fellowships?  Jobs?  What are the employment statistics?


  • Do you have any advice on the application, letters of recommendation, personal statements, or how to rank programs?

The best 20-30 programs essentially all offer the same things.  Everyone gets jobs, or has fellowship options.  Go where you have the best fit, where the geography/hospital best suits the interest of your family (or yourself).


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

Calling programs once or twice is not seen as “nagging” – a friendly, professional follow-up to applications will oftentimes turn into an interview offer so long as you do it early in the process.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to Anesthesiology residency?

Whether you apply to anesthesia, emergency medicine or ophthalmology – you need to be honest with yourself about your career aspirations.  Try and get past the notion that you “need to be a neurosurgeon or your life was for naught.”  Accept that there are many specialties and many places where you can be a very successful, happy professional.  Remember to mind your spouse/significant other and ask for their input – your decision will affect more lives than your own.


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


Spotlight Interview: How to Match in Urology (USC Resident)


A Urology Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with a urology resident from the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, California

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the Urology match?

It is considered a competitive specialty to match into. The website has some statistics that can help you out. In general there is an approximately 70-80% match rate for students coming directly out of medical school. This number is substantially lower for graduates that did not match the first time around, graduates that took time off after medical school, and international medical graduates. The good news is the number of positions are increasing each year, while the number of applicants has stayed approximately the same. This does vary year by year.


  •  What must a student do to match well in Urology?

Be very well rounded. Step 1 scores aren’t everything, but many programs will use this score as a screening tool to offer you an interview. Unlike most other specialties, urology does not publish data on average Step 1 scores of matched applicants. There is a generalization that scores above 230 are considered competitive and will get you interviews at most places except for possibly top tier institutions. There are definitely exceptions, and unfortunately these date are not publicized by institutions. Research is not a must, but can definitely set you apart from others, especially if you have presented the research at a meeting or as a published article. This will give you more to talk about during your interviews. Great letters of recommendations from urologists are also important. Having a letter from a well known urologist can really help your application and increases your chance of matching well. Urology is a small field, and most academic urologists know each other well, so a strong letter of recommendation from a leader in the field can take you far.


  • What are residencies looking for in a Urology applicant?
Stong work ethic. Personable applicants. Great board scores. Strong letters of recommendations. Great clinical knowledge.


  • What should students look for in a Urology residency?

Satisfaction – how happy are the residents? Operative experience – do the residents get autonomy when they operate or are they mainly assisting attendings? There are some programs where you will be assisting even as a chief resident. Research – is there a research year built into the program? What opportunities are there for clinical/translational/basic science research? do the residents publish? Location/Social life – although you will be busy, the days you are free you want to be able to have something to do. Do the residents have fun outside of the hospital? Staff – how are they to work with?


  • Do you have any advice on the application, letters of recommendation, personal statements, or how to rank programs?

1) Submit your application early! If possible this means the day ERAS is open for application submission (For the 2013 match this date is September 15th, 2012). You can fill out the majority of ERAS ahead of time. Also make sure all your letters of recommendation’s are ready by the time you can finalize and submit your ERAS.

2) In general, only obtain letters of recommendations from urologists. 3 is enough. One is usually from the chairman of your urology department (and often the most important letter), and the rest are from either away institution urologists or a particular attending you worked with extensively and knows you well.

3) The personal statement is more likely to hurt you then to help you. Very rarely do personal statements stand out, and if they do stand out it may not be a good thing. In general be sincere, honest, and to the point in your personal statement.


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

1) If you know you have a possible interest in urology, do a rotation as early as possible in your 3rd year. This will give you time to get to know the urology department at your university and will help you find a research project. Also, meet with your school’s dean regarding your competitiveness. Start talking with the urology residents at your institution and their experiences with applying.

2) Away rotations are important for urology. Not only does it give you an opportunity to see what other programs are like, this is also your chance to show them what can’t be expressed on your application. Start researching the programs where you might want to do an  away rotation early on, as applications for away rotations are generally due by February/March of your 3rd year. Importantly, an away rotation can help you just as much as it can hurt you. Think of it as a month long interview. While the month can be extremely stressful, it can also give you the best chance of matching at an institution you might not have thought you had a chance at. Most urology applicants do 1-2 away rotations.

3) If your USMLE Step 1 score is not as strong, consider taking Step 2 early. A substantial increase in your step 2 score can definitely help you.

4) Keep in mind that as of the 2012 match, the urology match is still an early match and it is separate from the regular match. This means that you need to expedite your application as well as letters of recommendation. As soon as your application can be finalized and submitted on ERAS (generally beginning of September), do this. This means your letters have to already be uploaded at this time. Many programs start offering interviews within a week of application submission. Interviews in general start at the end of September and last through mid December. The peak of interviews is during the month of November. On the bright side, all this hard work also means that you also get to match mid-January.

5) Spend lots of time on There is plenty of good information that can help prepare you for every aspect of urology.

6) Take everything you read on with a grain of salt. The best way to really get to know a program is gathering information from multiple sources (first hand experience with an away rotation, talking to the residents/attendings, reading various opinions online).


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to Urology residency?

After your interview season is over, consider doing a second look if you have the time/money. A second look is a 1 or 2 day return visit to a program so that you can see first hand what they are all about. This is definitely not a must, however it can help you with making your match list. I suggest this particularly for programs that you think you will rank high, as this will allow you to experience first hand what the program is like. If you really like a program, try to find out during your first interview if second-look day is something that many people do. Again as much as a second look can help you with how you rank a program,  remember that it is the second-look at your for the program as well.  Do a second look if you really want to discover more about a program, not to show a program you’re really interested.


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


Radiology: “Don’t Choose Something You Hate”

A Radiology Resident’s Perspective: An interview with a radiology resident who has asked to remain completely anonymous for reasons you may soon understand.

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • What attracted you to Radiology?

The money.  Choosing a specialty for its salary is considered an anathema in the medical community.  Because the discussion of salary is taboo, many medical students have taken to talking about a specialty’s “lifestyle.”  In reality, lifestyle and salary/work ratio are near synonymous.  With the notable exceptions of radiation oncology and dermatology, radiology is unquestionably at the top of the heap.  Factoring in vacation, hours, and salary the average private practice (PP) radiologist made nearly twice as much per hour as a general surgeon.  If you are going to sacrifice your youth to medical education then you should be lucratively rewarded.

As I learned more about radiology, I realized that the specialty has all sorts of unique advantages.  Without a patient base, a radiologist is free to move about the country at will.  They can work from home or from anywhere in the world with teleradiology.  This mobility, free of the fetter of patient care, continues to drive radiologist’s salaries higher. Radiologists tend to practice longer than any other specialty (except pathology) presumably due to the relaxed work environment.  However many radiologists retire early, which is silly because radiology differs little from retirement.

When I began my clinical rotations, I made a very important and life altering discovery.  Clinical medicine sucks.  I hated the whole experience.  I agonized at having to pick between such awful choices.  People kept telling me, “Just do what you love!”  I have different advice, “Don’t do what you hate!”  Radiology is unique in that we have an integral role in patient care without having to be dragged into any of patient care’s unpleasantries.  I am no longer screamed at by patients at 2 am because they think nexium is causing back pain.  I no longer have to hold a screaming child for a shot or calm down a sundowning gomer.  If you have the opportunity to save lives from a distance, I highly recommend it.


While the lifestyle is enviable, radiology is anything but easy.  Radiology is an intellectually rigorous specialty that encompasses the entire breadth of medicine.  The training requires extensive study of anatomy, pathology, physics, and treatment.  In emergencies, films must be read quickly and accurately.  Entire medical treatment plans are sometimes based on a radiologist’s dictation.  Medical imaging continues to be at the forefront of modern medicine. Technology advances rapidly and a radiologist should expect to spend most of his or her career keeping up with current technology.


  • Describe a Radiologist’s typical work day?

The typical radiologist comes to work and reads films in the dark for the majority of the day.  The work day in punctuated by phone calls, administrative responsibilities, and procedures (thoracenteses, liver biopsies, chest tubes, barium swallows, etc.).  Contrary to popular belief, these procedures are performed by general radiologists with no special “interventional” training.


The Radiologist’s Dilemma: This radiologist can’t decide which LED TV to buy. A common problem…

  • What type of lifestyle can a Radiologist expect?  

Based on information on the ACR website, job postings, and anecdotal experience the average radiologist works about 50 hours a week.  Generally this is a 7am-4pm M-F with one short call until 9pm and 1-2 weekend days per month.  Work schedules are flexible.  It is also possible to rearrange the work schedule in many different ways with your partners.  Our work schedule isn’t tied to patient management so we can divide it anyway we wish.  PP radiologists average 10 weeks of vacation per year, a figure that makes teachers envious.

  • What is the average salary of a Radiologist?

Based on the most recent Merrit Hawkins salary scan the average radiologist makes $417,000(1).  Andrew has compiled the entire source of physician salary data into one easily searchable article.  The Ultimate Guide to Physician Salaries. I highly recommend it.


  • What is the job market like for Radiology?

The job market is somewhat tight at the moment, though this is not unique to radiology.


  • What are the potential downsides of Radiology that students should be aware of?

My specialty is perfect.


  • What else would you tell medical students who are considering Radiology?

Don’t do what you hate.  Kill the boards and standardized tests.  Keep your options open.


  • How competitive is the Radiology match?

Radiology is a very competitive specialty.  The average USMLE STEP 1 is 240(2).  26% of successfully graduates are inducted into AOA.  Most have some research.  Luckily, radiology is a surprising large specialty.  With nearly 1000 positions per year, there are plenty of spots to go around.  More residency positions are created every year.  For this reason, radiology is less competitive than dermatology, radiation oncology, plastic surgery, orthopedics, otolaryngology, or ophthalmology.  Clinicians actively try to dissuade medical students from going into radiology.


  • What are residencies looking for in a Radiology applicant?

Personality, 3rd year grades, board scores, research.  In that order.


  • What else would you tell medical students who are considering Radiology?

I wish I knew how fat I would get on pre-interview dinners.  Radiology interviews are great.  If I could do it again, I would.


  • What should students look for in a Radiology residency?
  1. A balance of case volume and teaching:  There are “work” residencies and “study” residencies.  “Work” residencies focus on learning to read films and dictate efficiently but can lack structured educational activities such as lectures and research.  If case volume is too high, you may be trained to be a transcriptionist instead of a radiologist.  On the other hand, at certain programs the residents are underworked and spend a large portion of their day studying and researching.  While these residencies sound cushy, it is embarrassing for residents to have to fight each other for cases.  One should look for a program where the residents do not have to compete with fellows for films/cases.
  2. “View-box” teaching:  The ideal situation is that the resident reads a film independently, checks out with the attending who teaches and answers questions, and then the resident dictates a report.  The suboptimal way is that the resident types a brief preliminary report which is later finalized by an attending with no face-to-face contact.  (Though the latter situation is appropriate for senior residents reading basic films.)
  3. Modern Equipment:  Radiology is a rapidly changing field.  Don’t be behind in the technology before you even start!
  4. Residents and Faculty:  Go someplace where you will fit in and feel comfortable.
  5. Facilities:  Palace or dump?
  6. Food:  You are what you eat.
  7. Fitness:  For something to do with all your free time.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to Radiology?

I met an old southern radiologist when I was a medical student.  He looked like a colonel in the Civil War.  Grizzled and wizened, he looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Son, what is it ya wanna do with yo life?”

“Radiology, sir.”

He said, ”Well that shows remawkable judgment and good sense.”

You are choosing a career for LIFE.  Choose a specialty that you will enjoy when you’re 64.  Most people have the same specialty longer than they are married.  Treat your specialty choice with the same careful consideration as you would with any major life decision.  Or don’t, and go into ER.  What do I care?  Peace.



Physicians from all specialties frequently switch to radiology after realizing their mistake

  1. Radiology is going to be Outsourced! – A favorite MYTH of surgeons, foreign doctors, and the ignorant.  First and foremost, as long as radiology is considered to be medical practice, then it will require aUS medical license.  Credentialing is increasingly difficult and the notion that any hospital would credential an unknown inRanipet,India is absurd.  Second, general radiologists now perform far too many procedures to not have a physical presence at a hospital.  And third, there is no way to sue that physician in Ranipet.
  2. Radiology doesn’t have enough patient contact  – MYTH.  Radiology has as much patient contact as you want.  At any time, I can put down my mocha latte and go talk to my patients.  I don’t, but I could.  Radiology requires a one year internship that is designed to shatter any delusions medical students still have about patient contact.
  3. Radiology has turf wars with other specialties.  – This is FACT, but it is not unique to radiology.  The most notable radiology turf war is with cardiologists over cardiac imaging.  Clinicians reading their own films is grossly inappropriate.  Clinicians are 4 times more likely to order a film if they are reading it themselves3.  Beyond the unscrupulous avarice, the radiation from unnecessary studies causes direct harm to patients.
  4. Radiologists sit in the dark all dayFACT, but there is nothing stopping me from turning the lights on while I read films.


Editor's Note: For more help choosing a specialty in medicine, I highly recommend one these great books about choosing a specialty. If you have already decided on radiology, I recommend the First Aid for the Match to help you get ready for interviews.


Spotlight Interview: How to Match in Urology (OSU Resident)

A Urology Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with a urology resident from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the Urology match?

Urology is one of the more competitive fields.  I think it’s similar to neurosurgery and ENT.  More competetive than general surgery but probably not as competetive as ortho, plastics, or dermatology.


  •  What must a student do to match well in Urology?

The usual stuff like high board scores, honors in your clinical clerkships, and AOA are very common amongst the residents matching in urology. Lacking in one or more of these areas, though, is not a deal breaker.  If you can show programs that you are passionate about field and a hard worker then you still have chance of matching.  This is done with good letters, research in the field, and possibly away rotations (as long as you impress on the away rotation).


  • What are residencies looking for in a Urology applicant?
They are looking for someone who is smart, hard-working, and passionate about urology.   Urology used to have a reputation of being an “all male” club, but that is definitely not the case anymore.  Many females are now going into urology.   Many programs seem to have a lot of residents that are regional, but this may be just due to them receiving more applications from regional medical schools.  This also may be due to the fact that faculty will know regional faculty members better and so letters of recommendations from these faculty members may be more meaningful.


  • What should students look for in a Urology residency?

In general, most people feel that all urology residency programs are going to give you adequate training.  There are some programs that are 6 years versus 5 years.  The 6 year programs either have an additional year of general surgery (so 2 years altogether) or else a year of research.  If you dread doing an extra year of general surgery or research then this is something to consider.  Because it is competetive and there are not a million programs, you do have to be willing to go to programs or cities that you maybe would not consider if you were applying to a less competitive residency.  I think most urology applicants have the “I’m just happy I matched” attitude.


  • Do you have any advice on the application, letters of recommendation, personal statements, or how to rank programs?

With the early match, you have to start early.  Unlike other fields, many urology applicants are trying to squeeze in urology rotations and letters out of end of 3rd year and early 4th year.  Make sure you schedule away rotations early, because some fill up, especially in the Summer and early Fall.  At the beginnning of each away rotation let the chair know that you intend to get a letter of recommendation.  It may actually look bad if you do an away roatation and do not get a letter of recommendation out of it.  You do not necessarily have to send the same letters and other information to every program.  I think you are allowed 3-4 letters in your official application, but you can have different letters available to different programs.  So for instance if you have a letter from a former resident at a program, make sure to include that letter to that program.  There are also tricks to get extra letters sent directly to the program if you think that would be beneficial.  Do not hesitate to mail updated CV’s or research information after the application has been sent out directly to programs.  It gives them more information about you and also shows some extra dedication and interest in their program.  I would rank as many programs as you interview with, unless you truly would rather not match than go to a certain program.


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

I wish I knew what I was getting into.  Letters, applications, interviews, traveling…there is no way to understand the best way to do it until you actually do it.  Good Luck.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to Urology residency?

Bring it!


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


Spotlight Interview: How to Match in Family Medicine (Oregon Resident)

A Family Medicine Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with a family medicine resident at the Oregon Health Science University Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the Family Medicine match?

Family medicine is not very competitive. I was offered interviews at every school I applied. I ended up turning down many of the interviews I received. I interviewed at 11 residencies and got my first choice.


  •  What must a student do to match well in Family Medicine?

The usual stuff, good board scores, good clerkship grades, some research. Interviewing well may be even more important in FP because the specialty is so focused on personal relationships. Networking can be helpful as well, so you should try to get to know people early.


  • What are residencies looking for in a Family Medicine applicant?
I really think they are looking for just two things: 1- competency: they need to know you can do the work, w- personality fit: they are going to be working with you for 3+ years, they need to know you will fit in.


  • What should students look for in a Family Medicine residency?

A program that is interested in allowing you to be sane and healthy.


  • Do you have any advice on the application, letters of recommendation, personal statements, or how to rank programs?

Most people rank according to geography and then dive into specifics. Family medicine residencies are very different from one another, even more so that other specialties. For instance, at one program where I interviewed, the interns do 5 months of surgery their first year! That is kind of weird.  Because the field is so broad (peds, surgery, OB/GYN, hospital, outpatient) there is a great diversity in training programs.


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

The Northwest is probably the best place to do family medicine. Lots of space, lots of prestige for family medicine residents and a great place to live.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to Family Medicine residency?

Feel out the resident “culture” as much as possible, it wil have a significant effect on your health.  


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


Spotlight Interview: Matching in OB/GYN


An OB/GYN Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with an obstetrics and gynecology resident at Banner Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the OB/GYN match?

The overall competitiveness of OB/GYN is about average. The average board score for Step 1 is usually in the low to mid 220s. There are many more female applicants than male applicants right now.


  •  What must a student do to match well in OB/GYN?

Audition rotations in programs you are interested in can be very helpful but you have to impress people during the rotation. It is very easy to do a rotation and just coast through it.  They are called audition rotations for a reason.  Do well on Step 1, show improvement on Step 2 if needed and get letters of recommendation from people who really know you, not just big names


  • What are residencies looking for in an OB/GYN applicant?
Programs are looking for someone who is motivated, works hard and helps those around them.  Intelligence is obviously important but strong work ethic goes much farther.


  • What should students look for in an OB/GYN residency?

Look for a program where the residents are happy.  Well trained and well taken-care-of residents are happy residents and it is obvious on interview day which residents are happy.  It is important to note not just what the residents tell you but how they say it.  Every one of them will say they are happy and pleased with the program but it is easy to see those that are truly happy.

Editor’s Note: I remember a number of resident’s giving me similar advice throughout medical school. I must admit, I was skeptical. Anyone can fake it during an interview day, right? How can I learn in residents are happy during an 8 hour interview? The reason everyone will keep telling you to pay attention to this is because it is ABSOLUTELY tangible if the residents are happy or not. If you are paying attention, there is no way they can fool you. Happy residents are excited to see each other, they speak to their attendings when they see them and have ongoing friendships with them, they have lives outside of work, they don’t have to think long about why they love their program, they are quick to explain what features of their program set it apart. You may not think this is a big deal now, but I assure you that the temperament of a residency program will make or break the next 3-7 years of your life.


  • Do you have any advice on the application, letters of recommendation, personal statements, or how to rank programs?

Get letters from doctors who know you well, not just big names. As a fact, personal statements are cheesy but try to minimize cliché terms. Rank programs on gut feel taking all things into consideration.


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

I prepared well. Just read as much as you can about the match and be prepared to ask questions during your interviews.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to OB/GYN residency?

Do what you enjoy, you’ll be training in this specialty and working in it for the next 35 years so make sure you like what you do and the type of people you’ll be working with.


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


Spotlight Interview: Matching in General Surgery


A General Surgery Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with a general surgery resident at Orlando Health in Orlando, FL

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the general surgery match?

Moderately difficult. The average USMLE Step 1 score is usually in the high 220s, but higher for the sought after programs.


  •  What must a student do to match well in general surgery?

Your USMLE Step 1 score is the most important factor. Letters of Recommendation are very impotant and some should come from surgeons you have worked closely with. If you are interested in a research institution then research publications and presentations are very important.


  • What are residencies looking for in a general surgery applicant?
They are looking for someone who is Intelligent; they use Step 1 scores to establish this. They are also looking for someone who is passionate and hard-working; they can learn this through the activities you list and from the things mentioned in your letters of recommendation. It is important to be easy to work with, you can show this to programs during your interview.


  • What should students look for in a general surgery residency?

From a training standpoint, I think that surgical simulation experiences and structured education lectures/curriculum are something that every applicant has to be aware of. These experience are paramount in your surgical training. As you probably know, operative experience volume and variety is one of the most important factors (i.e. how many mastectomy vs whipple cases). You should know these statistics about each of your programs of interest.


  • Do you have any advice on the application, letters of recommendation, personal statements, or how to rank programs?

Letters of recommendation should be from faculty that can speak to your strengths in clinical decision-making and surgical skills. Personal statements should not be about how you always wanted to be a surgeon, but why you decided to be a surgeon. Rank programs that provide you with a high operative experience and well-defined simulation/education curriculum


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

Be sure to prepare your  letters of recommendation early. Plan to interview at about 10-15 programs. If you plan to interview at highly competitive programs, you might need to plan on a bit more interviews.

Editor’s Note: I 100% agree with preparing your LOR early.  Many of the attendings are extremely busy and 1 month notice may not be enough. Start asking at the end of your third year if you find individuals who could write great letters.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to general surgery residency?

The best advice I ever received about deciding to do general surgery was “If you can’t do anything but general surgery and be happy as a physician then you should do surgery. Otherwise do the other specialty”. General surgery is a much more family-friendly specialty than it used to be. The egos and personalities that used to predominate the specialty are gone, surgeons are expected to be calm and mild-mannered today and exist well with their non-surgical counterparts. The best part of being a surgeon is being able to diagnose and treat the problems our patients face. When all other options fail and other specialties are uncertain what to do they will consult a surgeon to help, so you will be the go-to person where-ever you practice


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


Spotlight Interview: Matching in Psychiatry

 A Psychiatry Resident’s Perspective:  From an interview with Dr. Frazier a psychiatry resident at UC Irvine Medical Center in Irvine, California

Part of an interview series entitled, “Specialty Spotlights“, which asks medical students’ most burning questions to physicians of every specialty.  See what doctors from every specialty had to say about why they chose their specialty and how to match in their residency.


  • How competitive is the psychiatry match?

Overall, it is not a very competitive specialty.


  •  What must a student do to match well in psychiatry?

Mainly, you must show interest in the field. Let people know you’re interested when you’re in your rotation. Doing some research also helps you know if you like the field. Research may also help to get a good letter from someone at your university.


  • What are residencies looking for in a psychiatry applicant?
Solid letters of recommendation, a good personality (more important here than in many other specialties), to a lesser extent good board scores (not as important, but they will definitely help you!)


  • What should students look for in a psychiatry residency?

Look for a program that trains physicians in what you want to do. Are you interested in research? Choose a program that supports that. Are you interested in clinical work? Choose one that focuses more on that. Also, make sure you get along with the residents. I recommend an away rotation to your top school(s) if you can.


  • Do you have any advice on the application, letters of recommendation, personal statements, or how to rank programs?

Identify your letter writers early on. A few from psychiatry, one from medicine, one from family medicine or something else. For ranking, just choose the place that you want the most. Don’t try to game the system!


  • What do you wish you knew before application/interview season?  

Interviews are generally very laid back. Still prepare, but don’t stress them too much. Have a few questions for the interviewers.


  • What other advice do you have for students applying to psychiatry residency?

Again, identify letter writers early. They mean a lot for residency in general, but maybe even more for psychiatry. Other than that, enjoy your career!


Editor's Note: Applying for residency or preparing for your interviews? I highly recommend First Aid for the Match, The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match, and The Residency Interview: How To Make the Best Possible Impression .


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